By Kelsi Gambill, MSPR, PR & Communications Manager and Staff Liaison to Chamber Ag Committee, Billings Chamber of Commerce
Growing up in the small town of Forsyth gave me many opportunities to pursue hobbies, sports, the great outdoors and much more. I was fortunate to be able to be involved in numerous organizations and had opportunities to experience agriculture firsthand, so much so that I pursued degrees in agriculture.
My mom enrolled us in 4-H as a family and it was the only thing that she knew that we could all belong to and that would teach us how to be responsible and have a purpose as we grew up (pretty close to her own words). She grew up in 4-H and it paved the foundation for being a successful adult, so the recipe was in place for my siblings and I.
Fast forward, and 4-H involvement led to other civic involvement including FFA, FCCLA, and I even became a Montana State Beef Ambassador. After departing for college at Northwest College, I became involved with Block and Bridle, the Show Team and more. At MSU Bozeman, I found my people in Ag Student Council, Collegiate CattleWomen and Young Farmers and Ranchers with the Montana Farm Bureau.
Early in my professional career, I found myself looking for ways to get involved in agriculture again as I was no longer working in agriculture on a daily basis. I joined Montana CattleWomen and the local group of Yellowstone CattleWomen here in the greater Billings area. This has opened doors for me and introduced me to a sisterhood of women across the state and nation. I found a place where I belonged and a group of friends with a shared passion for the beef industry.
Getting involved in these agriculture-based organizations had so many benefits to me personally and professionally. They shaped me into who I am today, gave me professional development opportunities, and travel. I met friends across the state and nation, making memories and learning that can only happen when you leave home. I advocated for the beef industry, agriculture overall, and our western way of life and continue to do so to this day. I am blessed to have the agriculture background and experiences that I grew up with and continue to stay involved in today.
Why does hearing my background and story matter? Getting involved in civic organizations, whether they are agriculturally based or not, is important. Today more than ever, volunteers and advocates are needed to keep organizations and communities alive. Ag organizations provide connections for fellow producers and those who are allies in the industry. They connect urban and rural, educating consumers on where their food comes from and why agriculture is vital to everyone’s daily lives. They work to preserve the agriculture industry and western way of life, so that the next generation can see and experience these lifestyles that are so crucial to our existence.
Take a moment to visit the following highlighted non-profit organizations who are fighting for agriculture here in Billings and beyond. Some are members of the Billings Chamber of Commerce and others are connected to the Chamber through support from Visit Billings, managed by the Billings Chamber as they choose Montana’s City for hosting their conventions and meetings.
Montana Stockgrowers Association