Business Celebrations
Why Host
Business Celebrations can be held for special occasions:
- Grand openings
- Remodel, rebranding, or opening of a new or second location
- Milestone anniversaries
The primary benefit of a Business Celebration is to bring awareness to other members and the public.

Who should I invite?
- Friends, family and your whole staff
- Investors, contractors and associates
- Clients and neighboring businesses
What should we include at the event?
- Refreshments are nice touch but not required: you decide whether to serve cookies and coffee or a fully catered event
- Tours
- Staff to showcase products or services
- Samples
- Prize giveaways – capture business cards from attendees for follow up

The Chamber’s Role
What does the chamber provide?
- We bring the big scissors, ribbon, present a certificate and take photos
- An invitation is sent to the Chamber Business Celebration Committee for awareness (attendance is not guaranteed)
- Photos are posted on our Facebook page within one week of the event
- An announcement the event was hosted will be in the quarterly GROW e-newsletter for additional awareness
Additional Promotion Options
Promotion and marketing of the event is your responsibility.
However, consider promoting your event through the Billings Chamber of Commerce e-communications (this is optional and an added expense):
- Solo e-blast – $900
- Graphic, link, and verbiage to be provided by business
- E-blast advertisement – $350
- Graphic and link to be provided by business
- Size: 1080 x 1080 px
Schedule Today!
Business Celebrations can be held on Tuesdays between 9 am and 4 pm or Fridays between 9 am and 4 pm.
Contact Cathy Grider via email to schedule your business celebration and learn more about how this valuable promotion can benefit your business.