The Billings Chamber of Commerce is thrilled to announce the opportunity to nominate a young individual for the prestigious “Youth in Ag Spotlight” to be showcased during the month of January leading up to Ag Celebration Week, hosted by the Billings Chamber of Commerce. The spotlights are a wonderful way to recognize and honor the remarkable contributions of our local youth in the field of agriculture.

Nominating a youth for the Youth in Ag Spotlight is a powerful way to celebrate and recognize the future stewards of agriculture who are shaping the future of agriculture. By nominating a youth for this spotlight, we not only acknowledge their dedication and passion for agriculture but also inspire them to continue their journey, fostering leadership skills, and promoting the importance of agriculture in our communities.

Nomination Process:

Eligibility: The nominee should be a youth between the ages of 6 and 18 who has demonstrated a commitment to excellence in the field of agriculture.

How to Nominate: Complete the nomination form below by December 31, 2023.

  • Release forms must be submitted for the youth to be considered for a spotlight.

Award Announcement: The selected Youth in Ag Spotlights will be advertised during the month of January 2024 on Facebook, Instagram, and This is a digital spotlight to showcase the amazing youth in our communities!

If you have any questions, reach out to Austrin Martens at