I want to serve my community in the most effective way I can.  I believe I can serve beyond creating jobs, coaching our youth, sitting on numerous boards, working for service clubs.  I feel I can be an effective representative for the people of Billings.

Party lines have no place in city council as it is a non-partisan council. WE must listen to what our constituents are telling us as council traverses decision making.

  1. Public Safety
  2. Promoting solutions for our ever increasing transient and homeless population.
  3. Lowering or freezing current assessments and taxes.
  4. Lessening regulations to promote more affordable housing.

  1. I would encourage TIF districts to help fund and support affordable housing.
  2. Re-visiting the re-code to allow smaller homes on smaller lots so lower income and young families can be home owners creating more successful family units improving youth violence in our neighborhoods. 

TIF district financing has been an excellent way to improve Billings. It has been an effective way to improve thoroughfares and much of the southside.

Billings is ranked the 38th most dangerous city in America. We need to make priority #1 increasing police presence throughout our city.  I am a firm believer in the broken windows policy.  It is imperative our city continues to fight together to reduce crime as a community.  I also would like to see our churches, sports programs, law enforcement and social programs focusing on changing the domestic violence patterns in our neighbors homes to reduce violence and juvenile gun violence. 

Very few people in this community have been more involved in youth sports. I like the idea of having a rec center for the youth of Billings to compete. I do not like the current format of the rec center or the timing of taking it to vote. My constituents are already struggling with increasing living costs, fuel costs, interest rates through the roof and property taxes raised nearly 40%.  I think there will be a format that Billings residents will agree with in time.  But I feel right now is not the right time to raise property taxes even more.

I believe part time governing in our city needs to be addressed. We are a much different community than we were in the 1970’s.  I would like to see a commission evaluate the number of wards, number on council from each ward and look at the governing power of the mayor.

From my perspective this is an issue that the state legislature should be tasked with. I disagree with a patchwork social ordinances for Montana. The United States Constitution provides protections to all our citizens.