FROM CROCS TO COMBATING FAMILY VIOLENCE Today is National Croc Day! Also, National Mole Day. According to one website that lists these “holidays,” it’s also National iPod Day, T.V. Talk Show Host Day, and Slap Your Annoying Coworker Day. If … Continued

STRONG COMMITMENT FROM HOTELS FOR SPORTS & REC FACILITY Businesses are stepping up in a major way to support the proposed Sports and Recreation Center that is part of the Parks and Rec Bond on this year’s ballot. On tonight’s … Continued

HOW DO I GET SIDEWALKS IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD? Tonight’s Council agenda features seven public hearings to establish allocations for Special Improvement Districts (SIDs) located in Billings. WAIT! I know that sounds super boring, but SIDs can improve infrastructure in Billings. … Continued

THIRD & LONG ON CITY PROPERTY DISPOSITION Tonight marks the third week in a row that City Council will discuss selling city property. Two weeks ago, Council exhaustively discussed changes to the ordinance allowing the disposition of city property before … Continued