Current Number of Ideas: 339

Topic: All

We should rename our airport. There is another Logan International Airport and the name means nothing to most of us today. We should have a contest to come up with a new name. I would like to call it Montana's Trail Head. Most people in Montana don't even use the Logan name. It's just the airport or the Billings airport.

Billings needs a new public high school. Our schools are too large.

Billings needs more greenspace, especially small neighborhood parks. We don't need more athletic fields. What we needs are just small little green spaces where kids can play and where we can hold neighborhood events without having to close streets. We especially need this downtown. When you consider the number of people downtown and that there is only one small park, there is a huge shortage of Parks downtown. Our Parks Department clearly doesn't get it. We should outsource our Parks Department to a private company. It could only get better. Billings needs to be a leader. Our Parks Department is holding us back.

Corrette shutdown will hurt property taxes. Two million a year less. Redevelope the site as major Cody Bozeman size museum on the yellowstone.

Cameras in parks and aggressive controls of street bums. Let citizens be able to voluntarily monitor. Street cameras. Especially tunnels parks and hobo camps

Signage on the interstate. Huge brown attraction signs. Like Bozeman butte Helena

Large brown interstate signs for zoomontana and five museums in billings. The current zoo sign is three small letters an insult a joke. Historic district sign lackluster. Also rimrocks national scenic byway on top the rims. Look at the huge signs in Bozeman, butte, Helena. Think big

Large brown interstate signs for zoomontana and five museums in billings. The current zoo sign is three small letters an insult a joke. Historic district sign lackluster. Also rimrocks national scenic byway on top the rims. Look at the huge signs in Bozeman, butte, Helena. Think big

Natural history museum of Billings/Yellowstone. Hundred thousand visitors a year at ten dollars each justifies twenty to fifty million dollar structure either on top the rims or east tiff. Rember corette will be shut down losing two million in property taxes. So this could be a great visible site.

Billings needs a new performing arts center that will hold the great new Broadway shows that are coming out. Those shows go to Denver, Salt Lake City, Spokane, Seatle, and Minneapolis, but nowhere in Montana or Wyoming. This is a great tourism opportunity for Billings. Metra is too large and The Alberta Bair Theater is too small and too old.